Potential New Hotel at Abbey Quarter
There are talks underway to explore the potential for a new hotel on the site of the Abbey Quarter development.
A site at the Abbey Quarter is to be put on the market and a hotel is a likely use being explored for this location. The hotel could be built alongside the other projects ongoing in the mixed-use urban quarter, including office, residential, retail, and education facilities
Development Director with Kilkenny Abbey Quarter Development Partnership (KAQDP), Tony Lauhoff, said that the scope for such a development ‘is provided for within the Abbey Quarter Masterplan’. “We intend in the coming weeks to appoint a property agent to look at how this can be advanced,” he added.
There are also plans to repurpose the former engineering building as “a landing space for businesses looking to set up in Kilkenny. They can set up there prior to the construction of a purpose-built building,” Mr. Lauhoff said.
Construction is due to commence soon on the Abbey Quarter Urban Park, a one-hectare urban park centered on the remains of St Francis Abbey, and plans are progressing for the new boardwalk to link the Abbey Quarter to the Nore Linear Walk.