€4.3 Million for active travel projects
The National Transport Authority and Minister for Transport, Deputy Eamon Ryan, T.D., in announcing funding under the Rural Active Travel Investment Programme has allocated funding in the sum of €4,333,000 for Active Travel projects in Kilkenny. This will see a number of projects completed in the City and County in 2021 and others planned for implementations in future years.
On hearing the announcement, Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, Cllr. Andrew McGuinness, said: “I am delighted to see so many projects being funded in the City and throughout the County. These projects will improve connectivity in our City and County Urban Areas and make our roads and footpaths safer for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Funding for future projects in the City will provide additional pedestrian/cycling bridges, increased use of our laneways and an increased focus on active travel for healthier forms of connectivity.”
Minister Ryan stated: “Today’s allocation marks another significant step forward in providing green sustainable transport options to those outside of the large urban centres. Developing high quality walking and cycling facilities will encourage more people to switch to active travel and will contribute to tackling climate change. Connecting communities and making walking cycling attractive, safe and accessible to everyone is what this funding will help to accomplish.”
A total of 26 projects in Kilkenny City and Council will benefit from this funding to include: Kilkenny City Demarcation and Gateways; One Way System at Bridge Street, Callan; Footpath development at various locations; Low Cost Junction Tightening/Pedestrian Crossing Schemes, Safe Schools Zones.
Project Code: Project Name 2021 Allocation
KK/21/0001 City Centre Traffic Management Plan €100,000
KK/21/0002 Parliament Street Improvement €135,000
KK/21/0003 Cootes Lane to Ring Road €120,000
KK/21/0004 Public Lighting Improvements along footpaths, walkways and cycleways €120,000
KK/21/0005 St. Kieran’s Street, Mary’s Lane & Market Yard Enhancement Works €50,000
KK/21/0006 Carnegie Plaza & Barrack Lane €50,000
KK/21/0007 Laneway & Street Network to West of City Centre €50,000
KK/21/0008 Safe School Zones €100,000
KK/21/0009 City Demarcation & Gateways €538,000
KK/21/0010 Radial Cycle Routes Improvements €100,000
KK/21/0011 New River Crossings €50,000
KK/21/0012 Linear Park Boardwalk & Greensbridge Upgrade €50,000
KK/21/0013 Linear Park Ancillary Improvements €50,000
KK/21/0014 Inner Orbital Cycling Route €50,000
KK/21/0015 Ring Road Cycle Facility Upgade €50,000
KK/21/0016 Ancillary Cycling Facilities €50,000
KK/21/0017 Bridge Street Callan, One Way System €1,100,000
KK/21/0018 Callan Bypass (N76) shared surface €500,000
KK/21/0019 Flaggy Lane Callan footpath and cycleway €70,000
KK/21/0020 Freshford pedestrian improvements and bus access €100,000
KK/21/0021 Footpath development (various locations) €300,000
KK/21/0022 Safe to Schools Programme – Support Infrastructure €100,000
KK/21/0023 Low Cost Junction Tightening/Pedestrian Crossing Schemes €200,000
KK/21/0024 Light Segregation Cycle Schemes €100,000
KK/21/0025 Urban Mobility Plans/Active Travel Network Plans €100,000
KK/21/0026 Low-Cost Permeability Measures €100,000